Ok, so one day I was masturbating to my poster of Justin (He's a sexy one) until I heard a knock on my door. I expected to be the same guy who kept stealing my condoms (for some reason) until I checked the window. It was a weird old guy holding something from his hand. For a moment I thought it was a condom. So when I was about to steal it from him, he gave me a greeting.
He told me his name was Joe and that he was giving me a game for free. I looked at cover game, it was an image of a Pokemon game. I was a bit excited since not only I'm a Justin fan, but a Pokemon fan as well. So we both thanked each other and then he left. After he left I went to put the game on my system and waited to load.
When the start menu finally loaded I pressed start and then my game started to crashed! I was like "What the fuck?" I was not only angry that man gave me the game, but that I gave him a free blow job! When I was about to unleash my ultimate Shrek form the game finally began to work again.
"Finally!" I said after I finally began to play. The game still looked a bit strange since all the Pokemon not only looked like they had blood but they looked VERY HYPER- REALISTIC. The trainers looked weird too. Every once in while they will say strange things like "GLOOP" will eventually get me. I didn't know who the fuck Gloop was I was just hoping he'll be a great sex pal.
After time passed, the more stranger the game got. Every time I tried to attack with my sexy army of Pokemon the screen would go black and loud screams can be heard which made my dick stand up. I decided it would be best if I took a break from the game. But there was a force that made me keep playing. At first I thought it was just my dick being, horny until I thought "what if it was Gloop?"
I refused to believe that something silly can do such thing, but the more I thought about it the more I began to worry. What if Gloop was really behind this? And what if he is really a great sex pal? I then started to research this so called "Gloop". After a few hours the only thing I got was a
porn website which was not bad at all.
Soon I decided to play the game more to find out myself. Eventually, when I won my first battle a strange figure appeared. I suddenly realized that I was battling Gloop. He looked like something that looked like my dick. He had 1000Hp and was hard like my balls. It took me 2 hours to beat him. When I beat him, he screamed like a like a little girl and exploded.
After he exploded my system began to make sexy, but strange noises. Soon my game had exploded too. I then thought I was next, but then I looked behind me and THEN A SKELETON POPPED OUT AND KILLED ME.